TRX Safety Recall

NTI Boilers, in the course of its continuous monitoring processes to ensure the quality and safety of its products, has identified a potential safety hazard in a specific batch of TRX boilers that requires your immediate attention.

The issue has been traced back to products manufactured from Sept. 30, 2024 through Feb. 10, 2025, impacting the following units:

Affected Products

  • TRX150 Series II, serial numbers:              3314306C8[242830000177 through 250130000073]
  • TRX199 Series II, serial numbers:              3314307C8[242740000006 through 250220000014]
  • TRX199C Series II, serial numbers:           3314308C8[242750000127 through 250410000051]


If your boiler’s serial number falls outside the stated range, it is not impacted by this recall.


On the identified units, the studs threaded into the aluminum housing on the front of the heat exchanger (used to secure the burner door) can come loose, increasing the risk of a leak of combustion products. To date, there are no known cases of personal injury or property damage resulting from this issue. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are recalling the impacted units and will be sending out Repair Kits for units already installed.

Properly Attached Door Stud

Loose Door Stud

Action Required

For Homeowners:

Determine if you have one of the impacted models (the serial number can be found at the top right-hand corner of a silver label applied to the side of the boiler.) Immediate actions you should take if your boiler has been impacted:


1.Immediately discontinue the use of the boiler until it has been repaired. If the boiler must remain operational to avoid freezing, ONLY operate the boiler with the front cover installed, and ONLY if there is a functional Carbon Monoxide detector in the boiler room and in the living space.


2.Contact the installer of your boiler and schedule a repair. If you do not have a record of your installer, contact a local Plumbing & Heating Contractor and have them contact a local wholesaler or NTI to obtain a free Repair Kit (NTI Part No. 4270278). The Kit must be installed by a qualified technician. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or by telephone at 1-800-688-2575


For Wholesalers:

For impacted units distributed to our wholesalers, we have arranged for all remaining stock to be returned to NTI for rework.

To help facilitate a timely repair with the contractor, please contact NTI to order No Charge Repair Kits (part#4270278) for all impacted boilers sold to customers.


For Installing Contractors:

1.Verify your customer’s boilers falls within the serial number range provided above.


2.Contact your local wholesaler to obtain the No Charge Repair Kit, part#4270278; contact NTI directly if you have any difficulty obtaining the kit.

(If you require any additional kits, or have any questions, please contact NTI at 1-800-688-2575 or via email:

Written instructions are provided with each kit and an instructional video is available here.


3.Schedule the repair with your customer, complete the repair then submit the Reimbursement form below.